Guangdong Province to promote the construction of high-end hospitals: An overview of hospitals in Guangdong

Recent conferences in Guangdong have confirmed that the Guangdong Provincial government will fund a total of CNY 9 billion for the construction of 30 high-end hospitals across the province.

Hospitals have been multiplying at a rapid pace in Guangdong since 2014. While there were only 1260 hospitals in Guangdong in 2014, this figure rose to a total of 1552 by the end of 2018. Private hospitals have also been growing at a rapid pace at an average pace of 80 new hospitals per annum for a total of 818 private hospitals by the end of 2018. Public hospitals on the other hand, have been in a decline since 2014, with 2018 marking the first time the number of private hospitals surpassed the number of public hospitals.

The number of treated patients has also grown alongside the construction of newer hospitals. A total of 353 million patients were treated in 2014, a figure that has grown to 375 million patients by 2018.